Searching for an ideal template for your blog on Blogspot you might have expirienced that many of them, especially those "sofisticated" ones have some elements which can not be removed. Usually, it´s the search bar or "subscribe field" or something like that. But many of us feel more confortable with adding elements we like as a wigdet to the sidebar (like I did with the search field on this website).

Beside of the estetic issue of this problem there are also some financial aspects you might think about when changing fixed elements. For example, you might be an AdSense subscriber and using the Google search bar could bring more benefits than using built-on search. So, how can we do it? It´s pretty simple:

Go to your Layout tab and then to Edit HTML. Use search funciton of your browser (Ctrl+F) and look up to string which has locked='true' in it, followed by title='Header Ad Banner' (or whatever). If this title correspodents to the page element you want to get rid of, change locked='true' to: locked='false'. Save your changes to HTML. Now, go to Layout/Page Elements, click to Edit link of yor element and now you will get "Remove element" option visible! Remove it and enjoy!


  1. One Creative Queen // 4 March 2009 at 04:40  

    Thank you so much for posting this - those of us with absolutely no knowledge of coding really appreciate this. This one post allowed me to totally change the look of my blog - which I had been wanting to do forever.

    Thank you!!

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